Have you ever noticed that what you look for tends to manifest? Usually not far from what you imagined.

Usually if you go looking for a fight, you will not be disappointed.

We can use our awareness skills to be mindful of our mindset and state of energy.

We are challenged to counter anger, hatred, aggression with love, kindness, and forgiveness .

If these attributes of gentleness are projected into the world, then hopefully the tide of hostility can be turned. At the very least, we have not added to its menacing force.

Practice: see the good. Be the good.

Look for redeeming qualities in others and yourself,

Forgive and let go.


We walk a path that is chosen consciously and with purpose. We can be a beacon for others, rather than a stumbling block. Be mindful of the seeds that you plant. They will bear fruit. You get to choose what you plant. Weeds or flowers.

Abigail Jones